Using Ozone in Dentistry Wednesday, Sep 19 2012 

Ozone can be used in many ways to help with dental conditions.
Bacterial infection
Any bacterial infection can be treated effectively with ozone.  Rinsing and gargling with ozonated water can handle sore throats, abscesses and periodontal problems.  In our dental office ozonated water and gas is used to irrigate perio pockets, root canals, abscesses and in the routine preparation of teeth thus minimizing the chance for sensitivity after fillings.
Root Canals
When a root canal is performed O3 is highly beneficial in eliminating the toxins that are in the tooth.  Teeth are made up of millions of tubules.  When the tooth becomes infected requiring a root canal the potent toxins can remain in those tubules potentially causing health problems.  We use ozone in the canals after cleaning out the infection  further disinfecting the tooth.
Dental Surgery
Irrigation of the surgical site with ozone water will help speed the healing as well as remineralize the bone.
Research has shown that a number of TMJ problems are associated with bacteria, fungi and viruses.  These cause an inflammatory reaction resulting in the TMJ pain.  Ozone injections can be very therapeutic for this condition. The gas not only kills the organisms but also reduces the inflammation and stimulates new cartilage growth.
Cavitations (holes in the bones) occur at the site of previous extractions. Cavitations may have systemic effects.  Ozone greatly increases the odds of healing the bone.  The O3 kills the bugs, enhances the immune system and promotes remineralization of bone. Ozone gas injected directly into the cavitation site has remarkable effects.
Sinus Infections
People with chronic sinus infections can benefit from breathing O3 filtered through olive oil.
Mouth Lesions
Ozonated olive oil has many uses as a salve for the gums, oral ulcers or lesions

The Nutrients of Life in Dentistry Wednesday, Aug 15 2012 

The two primary nutrients of life are oxygen and water. Without these two elements there would be no life. With this in mind, we now have the capability for effective, safe non-toxic therapies using Ozone (O3) either as a gas or infused in water. Ozone naturally, effectively kills bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites. Thus ozone is a wonderful addition to our arsenal of treatments.

Ozone is a form of oxygen that occurs naturally as a result of ultraviolet energy or electrical stimulation causing a temporary recombination of the oxygen atoms into groups of three.  It was first discovered in 1840 and by 1870 it was used in medical applications.  Ozone gives us a way to treat infections and inflammation with a naturally occurring substance that has no toxicity or side-effects.

Ozone has many applications in the dental field. Any bacterial infection can be treated with ozone.  A sore throat, mouth ulcerations, abscesses and periodontal disease can all be treated with ozone. It serves as an excellent rinse prior to restoring teeth.  If there has been a pulp nerve exposure, sometimes treatment with ozone gas will prevent the nerve from dying thus avoiding the necessity of a root canal.

The major objection, today, regarding root canals is that often some infection is left in the many tubules that make up a root causing ongoing chronic health problems.  With the use of ozone rinse and gas in and around the canal the dentist can be assured that the tooth has been disinfected. Irrigation with ozone during a surgical procedure will speed the healing making it a valuable tool for extractions, cavitation surgery and implants.

Injecting Ozone gas into the temporomandibular (TMJ) joint can often be very effective in handling chronic long term TMJ problems.  Research is now showing that TMJ pain can be associated with bacteria, virus and fungi infection.  The ozone kills the organisms, reduces inflammation and stimulates the growth of new cartilage.

The multiple applications of Ozone make it an exciting new tool in a dentist hands.  Situations that have caused dentist to be baffled over the years can now be addressed and handled by Ozone—the Nutrients of Life.


By: Dr. Paul Rodeghero