Parents are faced with many choices while raising their children regarding their overall health.  You many wonder when it is best to start your child on routine dental exams as well as what is the best strategy to ensure proper preventative actions.

Children today are faced with a wide array of food choices from fresh produce to sugar-laden processed meals and snacks. A story published in the March 6th issue of The New York Times stated that many preschoolers are now experiencing at least “6-10 cavities” with severe decay.  The cost to parents to restore their child’s teeth can range from $500- $5000 or more. Obviously, early prevention is the key, but when to start?

As soon as your infant starts cutting teeth it is ideal to rub their teeth and gums after eating with a soft cloth.  Once they are old enough, begin using a child’s tooth brush with a mild tooth paste at least twice a day (children find many adult tooth paste to be “too spicy”).  Don’t leave it to your child, brush their teeth yourself. This will start early habits that will last a lifetime. 

Sugary foods and drinks should be consumed with meals as saliva production increases during meals and will help to neutralize acid production.  Offer your child nutritious snacks but if they have sweets insure that they clean their teeth following the sugary treats. 

Monitor the consumption of soft drinks, sports drinks and juices.  Do not get in the habit of putting these in a bottle as it can cause “bottle mouth syndrome” where all of the front teeth of the child become severely decayed. Water is always a better choice.

If your child does have to have a baby tooth extracted due to decay it is imperative that a space maintainer be placed. This is a wire bracket that is attached to the adjacent teeth and is designed to hold the space for the permanent teeth to come in.  If this is not done the existing teeth will shift and there will not be room for the adult teeth to come in properly. The only way to correct such a situation is orthodontics.

You should start introducing your child to a dentist as young as 2-3 years old.  This should be a fun visit so that the child is not frightened.  Many adults have horror stories from their youth, which then causes them to avoid much needed dental treatment in their adult years.  Find a family dental practice or pediodontitis that establishes a good relationship with your child from the start.  Above all never imply to your child that the dental cleaning will “hurt.”

If your child complains of a tooth ache or you notice tooth discoloration, get them to a dentist as soon as possible. With these early preventative measures and frequent visits to a “kid friendly” dentist your child should enter their adult years with a healthy smile.